All you need to know about travelling in Namibia
We found that people in the UK didn't tend to know a lot about Namibia, where it was in Africa or what it was like. Heading there we knew very little but within a week or two we were falling in love with the vast empty landscapes, the food, and the people. We spent 5 weeks here, and during this time did a road trip around the South West of the country. All that we learned, we share with you on this page. (November 2023)

If you're planning on a road trip around Namibia, perhaps our 9 day itinerary for a loop of the South West of Namibia will give you inspiration for your own trip. And before you set off, make sure you know what to expect and plan accordingly; read our Tips on driving in Namibia to give you a heads up before you set off.
Whatever your plans, Namibia is an incredible country and you will make memories to last a lifetime.