It's Monday 6th June. Friday will be my last day at work. I have known this date for a long time and it seemed a long way away for a while, but now it's very close. How do I feel?
Apart from the piece of me that never likes things to end (FOMO more than anything I think), and the sadness at saying goodbye to a few people that I will miss very much, I am looking forward to that first Monday that I don't have to get up and go to work. I am contemplating the smile that will no doubt cross my face as I think to myself, 'Nope. I don't have to get up yet, so I won't.' I am looking forward to having a few weeks to plan and prepare for the biggest adventure of my life. An adventure I get to share with the person closest to me, Garry, already retired, already used to being unsalaried and just counting the days until we venture out on our travels.
Working is a big part of who I am, so i am apprehensive about how I will feel in the weeks and months to come. A task executed well gives me a sense of achievement. I pride myself on working hard and doing my best to deliver a good outcome, so when that is no longer a part of my life, I wonder how I will feel. And then of course there won't be any money topping up the pot each month. Travelling, resting and eating more frugally will be tough at times I'm sure, but I think it does us all good to 'do without' on occasion.
With the absence of weekly and daily structure imminent, my thoughts turn to all that I have to do in the remaining weeks until we leave England's green fields on the Poole to Cherbourg ferry. There's the packing to do, the visas to sort, the vehicle to 'pimp', the friends to say goodbye to, a graduation to attend, and a travel blog to set up! Thank goodness I'm leaving work; I wouldn't have had time to fit it all in.